Holiday Nutrition
When it comes to nutrition, does a good workout make up for all the fried food and delicious snacks you ate over the holiday? The answer is not even close. The food you eat communicates with your body and tells it what to do with the incoming energy and nutrients. Your body answers by deciding if the food needs to be stored as fat, used for energy or whether it increases or slows down your metabolism. Because of this, a predominantly whole food diet that is nutrient dense is vital to getting fit and hormone balance.
Eating an extra portion or the occasional treat is not going to cause permanent damage to your body. For example, having a slice of pie with whipped cream after Thanksgiving dinner is okay. But eating a tub of ice cream for dinner each night is not recommended, even if you exercise every day. Your food consumption will make a massive difference in your overall health and can impact how you feel during exercise. With an improper balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, you will feel tired and avoid physical activity. By eating a varied diet full of healthy nutrients, you will not only speed up the fat losing process but also increase the chances of enjoying an activity, which makes it more likely to become a habit and lasting part of your lifestyle.
Holidays often revolve around food and many people worry about the impact the increased eating will have on their body. On top of eating more than usual, most of the food we consume for the holidays is often outside of our regular diet. Instead of abandoning your diet completely, find a balance between eating healthy and enjoying the spread. The holidays don’t have to be all about eating sugary and fatty foods. Instead, fill up on vegetables and lean proteins and enjoy smaller servings of the delicious but high calorie sides. Focus on enjoying your time with friends and family, while trying to incorporate exercise. A great way to stay active is by taking walks, playing with younger family members, engaging others to participate in a favorite sport or getting up earlier than usual to dedicate some time for exercise.
The amount of food you need in a day varies greatly depending on your body size, fitness goals, and age. Making some adjustments and focusing on creating a varied diet that minimizes the use of trans fats and processed food increases the chances of a healthy body. Sticking to the recommended intake of the five food groups – fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy – is enough to keep your body happy and healthy. However, if you partake in strenuous training, your body will need more food throughout the day. What and how much you need depends on the purpose of the activity and the type of exercise. A person looking to increase muscle growth likely requires a higher daily calorie intake, with added protein and carbohydrates. For someone who is looking to minimize body fat (e.g. a fitness competitor), the carbohydrate intake should be lower and the daily calorie intake should not exceed the recommended daily dose.
Eating the right amount of calories does not necessarily mean healthy eating habits. The body needs sufficient nutrients and vitamins from the five food groups. Below is a list to guide your food choices throughout the day/
Fruits: 2 cups
Vegetables: 2.5 cups
Grains: 6 ounces
Protein: 6 ounces
Dairy: 3 cups
Remember, these are simply guidelines, and your personal circumstance can alter the need. For example, women require more iron than men, and men need more zinc and vitamin C. When making significant lifestyle changes that affect your regular calorie intake, consult a dietitian or doctor. On top of that, people who participate in lots of physical activity often need more food.
No matter the goal, the proper nutrients are vital for your health. Another essential part of a physically healthy body is movement and exercise. Electro Muscle Stimulation, EMS, is an excellent addition to any workout program. Each session activates 95% of your muscles and increases their growth. It also kick-starts the metabolism so that the energy you consume can be processed more efficiently. With only two sessions a week for six weeks, you can see the results and feel the difference in muscle growth. Your strength can increase by 12%, and your muscular endurance goes up by 69%.
EMS helps you build strength, lose fat, become a better athlete and save time. Add two 20 minute sessions a week to reach your goals.